Nasrudin Joke

One night a thief broke into the house Nasruddin. Luckily, Nasruddin saw it. Because of fear, quickly Nasruddin hiding inside a large box located in the corner. The thief was rifled through Nasruddin's house looking for money or valuables owned by Nasruddin. He opened the closet, the drawers, under-water pools, and others. He had but did not find any valuables. The thief almost gave up and decided to leave the house Nasruddin. But suddenly his eyes fixed on the large box located in a corner room Nasruddin. He was very happy because he believes in a box that's stored property that he was looking for. Despite the strong box was locked from the inside, but with full force, the thief managed to open the box. The thief was very surprised when I saw Nasruddin was in the box. The thief was very angry and said, "Hey! What are you doing in there?" "I'm hiding from you," replied Nasruddin. "Why?" "I'm embarrassed, because I do not have anything that can give you. That's the reason why I'm hiding in this box."

Lowongan Garuda Indonesia - Pramugari

Garuda Indonesia membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi PRAMUGARI (KODE: FA/ Flight Attendand). Lamaran paling lambat tanggal : 8 Mei 2010

Walk in interview :

Sabtu, 8 Mei 2010
Pukul 08.00 - 14.00
Garuda Indonesia Training Center
Jl. Raya Duri Kosambi 125
Jakarta Barat

  1. Usia 18 - 24 tahun
  2. Pendidikan minimal SMU/ kejuruan
  3. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm
  4. Berbadan sehat, tidak berkacamata
  5. Berbahasa inggris dengan baik

Dress Code:
  1. Blouse lengan pendek warna terang
  2. Rok warna gelap selutut
  3. Sepatu hak tinggi
Datang dan bawa lamaran, CV, 1lb foto seluruh badan ukuran postcard dan 1lb foto close up 4x6.

Pelaksanaan Rekrutmen Pramugari tidak dipungut biaya apapun, dan pelaksanaan ini dilakukan langsung oleh PT. Garuda Indonesia.

Info lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi no telp. :

* (021) 2560 1042 (Team Recruitment)
* 081310452744 (Bpk. Marcel)
* 085692750594 (Bpk. Giring)

Untuk info lebih lanjut, silahkan cek ke: Garuda Indonesia

Plan for the Future of Financial Condition

by Harris Turin

It has become a common phenomenon that many of our colleagues, or the people around us who often complain that their financial condition messy.

Total debts were mounting and exceed their income, even exceeding the amount of assets owned. In such a condition that usually becomes the scapegoat is the small amount of revenue it has.

Though the roots are real issues rather than on the income side, but failure to manage finances.Many of us who have no financial planning, never even thought to plan for the financial condition, let alone in the future.

Financial planning is actually an essential activity that must be done by everyone and this is what will differentiate between groups of people who always stuck by the lack of liquidity and a group of people who can enjoy life. This paper will attempt to discuss in a simple, how one should begin to plan financially.

Diagnose the financial condition
The first step that needs to be done in preparing the financial plan is to diagnose the condition of our current personal finances. That need to be considered in diagnosing the financial condition is the amount of total revenue, total expenditure, the amount of assets and liabilities are debts that we have.

In general, it is clear that the amount of total income must not exceed the total expenditure. For people who have a fixed income every month can then easily be estimated in total revenue in one year, including non-regular income such as holiday allowances and bonuses. And the spending should be governed not exceed its total regular income.

Revenues from non routine should not be allocated to bear the total expenditure, but must be allocated for investment purposes or to strengthen an emergency fund. As for people who have the type of income variable (not fixed), the total expenditure should not exceed 80% in average income.
Next postal matters more is the lessee. We often mistakenly defined the asset in relation to financial planning.

Real asset is anything that gives the results or our support of productive activities. Simple example is the house we live in and the vehicles that we use can be classified into an asset because it supports our productive activity, while the villas, stereo set, an acoustic guitar, golf clubs and a second vehicle which we seldom use, certainly not an asset category. Savings and investment is one of the real intentions yielding assets.

Debt is a plural thing done and really not something to be feared. Debt is essentially adding our purchasing power by appealing to our revenues in the future into the present.

Matters more in terms of debt is the type and amount of debt repayment obligations that must be our responsibility. Home loans and productive vehicle is clearly the type of debt is reasonable and can be tolerated, but credit card debt is a type of debt that absolutely must be avoided.Interest rate credit card debt reaching an average of 35-48 percent per year and this is clearly a burden our financial liquidity.

Considering the high interest rate credit card, then use a credit card to watch out for the sake of practicality and convenience to the extent only and not to increase our purchasing power by way of debt.

In terms of managing debt, the total amount of our debt repayment obligations should not exceed 30 percent of our total revenue. When we get stuck on the condition of the obligation to pay debts that exceed the threshold, then the debt restructuring absolutely must be done by prioritizing the debts that have high interest, such as credit card debt, unsecured loans and the like.

Own Emergency Fund
The second step in preparing the financial plan is to check the availability of emergency funds that we have. An emergency fund is the fund at any time should be available when unexpected expenses arise.

Many people do not think the availability of emergency funds in their financial planning, so that when spending is not unexpected then that is often done is to add the capability of purchasing power by creating debt, and usually kind of debts are debts with high interest rates such as credit card debt and credit / loan without collateral.

Whereas it is clear that actual debt should never be used as pledge to cover these unexpected expenses. This is where the importance of the availability of emergency funds, so we are not trapped high-interest debt.

The amount of emergency funds to be held in the financial planning varied, ranging from 5 to 20 times our total monthly expenditure, depending on the load that we bear. When we were still single, then simply have a five-month emergency fund total expenditures, while more and more members of our family, the greater the emergency funds that we must prepare.

Simple criterion is that each member of the family who became tanggunan we must have an emergency fund five months of total expenditure. So that when we are already married and has two children, then the total amount of emergency funds that we have is 20 times the total monthly spending us. This emergency fund is not an investment category, but this emergency fund must be invested to expand.

Types of investment options for an emergency fund is an investment which are liquid and have a level of investment risk is relatively small. Investment in an emergency fund is not for the purpose of growth but rather on the availability at any time and are not cracked by inflation. It must be realized that the size of this emergency fund should be increased in line with the increase in our standard of living.

Make a List of Expenditures
Third step in preparing the financial plan is to create a list of expenditures. At this stage the absolute do is check for this type of expenditure which we lived.

Broadly speaking the types of expenditure can be divided into four sections, namely the obligation to pay debts, expenses such as routine household expenses, electricity, telephone, etc., investment and personal expenditure.

As already explained in the first step above, the obligation to pay the debt (repayments) should not exceed 30 percent of our total revenue. And this must be placed on the first priority of the expenditure side.

Defer payment of debt obligations will only lead to the creation of new debt opportunities in the future that have a higher interest rate. The second priority is to manage expenditures in the regular expenditure.

Must be clearly distinguished between routine expenditure and personal expenses. Routine expenditure is the kind of expenditures that absolutely must be done to support our productive activity, could not be saved without degrading the quality of life and can not be avoided, while personal spending is the kind of expenditures that must be sacrificed if there is a decline in income.

Routine expenditure must be maintained in the range of 50 percent of our total revenue. When the routine expenditure has exceeded the threshold of 60 percent of our total revenue, then we do not have the opportunity to invest.

As a result we will lose the opportunity to improve the quality of life in future. So when a routine expenditures are nearing the threshold, we must work even harder for us to increase total revenue.

Investments must also be a priority in the allocation of "expense" we. This investment allows us to enhance the quality of life in the future. Investments will acquire assets that we have and be a source of passive income.

Investment culture should be done early start, how kecilpun our revenues. The amount of the allocation "expense" for the minimum investment is 10 percent of our total revenue. In order for this condition is reached, then the allocation of investment rather than from the rest of our income after deducting the expenses, but had been allocated as soon as we receive revenue.

Please understand that investing is not the same as saving, because saving only provides asset growth rate is relatively very small. The younger the age of our greater weight (percentage) our investment in investment instruments that can provide a high return rate to support our financial future.

It must be realized that the investments that give high returns but have always had a high level of risk and the risk level should be fixed according to the characteristics of our risk tolerance.The more established the condition of our economy, then the asset allocation in the form of investment must be getting bigger, until, in turn, we can achieve financial freedom if the results we receive from our investment in working assets have exceeded or at least close to the results of our productive work.

Personal spending is the only type of expenditure which may and should be sacrificed when there is an increase the percentage of expenditure in the three headings of other expenditures.Postal delays and reductions in private spending will not reduce the quality of our lives and not harm our financial condition in future.

This is clearly different if we reduce our expenditure allocations to the three headings of expenditure priorities first. One way to control personal spending is to open a special account at a bank that is used to support these personal expenses, and this account only contains the remainder of our previous month's revenue after deducting the total expenditure in the third we are heading that priority spending should not be rescinded.

This special account used to fund personal expenses so as not to undermine the three headings of expenditure priorities. With the existence of a special account, then we also did not bother to calculate the allocation of personal expenses that may be performed.

Once we fix our financial situation then we should enter the fourth step, which is planning a short-term financial goals and our long-term. In determining the short-term financial goals and long-term financial goals should be clearly outlined to be achieved and the range of time to achieve it.

Target goals should be realistic and of course adapted to our conditions. Long-term target and then broken down into short-term targets and strategies for achieving that goal.

One of the most decisive factor of success in achieving financial goals is the commitment and order us to obey pre-determined strategy. Financial planner professional from the banking world can be engaged to organize our financial goals.

Hopefully, this paper provides inspiration for us to rearrange and improve our personal finances.Happy investing.

Lowongan pekerjaan BANK MUAMALAT Kupang

Posisi :
• USPD/LEGAL (Kode:1)
• & TELLER (Kode:2)
Bagi anda yang ingin berkarir di Bank Syariah dan berkomitmen untuk
melayani ummat di wilayah NTT
1. Usia maksimal 27 Tahun
2. Memiliki Pemahaman Keislaman yang baik
3. Pendidikan minimal S1 Hukum (1) dan S1 segala jurusan (2)
4. Khusus Kode: 1 Jenis Kelamin Laki-Laki
5. IPK minimal 2,75 untuk PTN dan 3,00 untuk PTS
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Kupang-NTT
7. Memiliki disiplin & inisiatif yang tinggi serta teliti & obyektif
8. Berpenampilan menarik dan Memiliki kejujuran serta integritas yang tinggi
9. Tidak memiliki hubungan kekeluargaan dengan karyawan / Direksi Bank Muamalat
10. Melampirkan Dokumen: CV, fotokopi ijasah pendidikan terakhir, fotokopi KTP, pas foto
terakhir 4x6 sebanyak 2 lbr
Kirimkan Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk. Cabang Kupang d/a
Jl. Soekarno No. 27 Fontein-Kupang atau e-mail : Paling Lambat Kami
TerimaTanggal 30 April 2010.
Contact person : Achmad Mujib (0380-829556/081331112958)
Cabang Kupang
1 Jumadil Ula 1431 H
16 April 2010

10 Anggapan dan Fakta Tentang Tidur

Tidur merupakan sebuah proses alami yang dialami oleh setiap makhluk. Berbicara tentang tidur, banyak sekali anggapan yang salah kaprah tetapi dianggap benar oleh sebagian orang:

  • Melunasi hutang tidur
  • Anggapan: Kurang tidur pada suatu waktu dapat dibayar pada waktu lain

    Fakta : Tidur yang baik adalah tidur yang teratur. Apabila suatu saat tidur anda kurang, terapkan jadwal tidur anda seperti biasa.

  • Olahraga pada sore hari (saat akan tidur)
  • Anggapan: Dengan berolahraga pada sore hari akan mempercepat tidur

    Fakta: Olahraga memang akan mempercepat tidur, tentu saja karena badan kita lelah. Tetapi pastikan bahwa anda tidur minimal 3 jam setelah berolahraga, untuk memulihkan temperatur tubuh anda (untuk mengembalikan suhu tubuh pada kondisi normal dibutuhkan waktu 6 jam). Tubuh yang dingin akan mempercepat proses tidur.

  • Jam tidur orang dewasa lebih sedikir
  • Anggapan: Orang semakin bertambah usia, jam tidurnya semakin berkurang.

    Fakta: Setiap orang mempunyai jatah jam tidur yang sama, hanya polanya yang berubah; seperti: tiduran saat beristirahat.

  • Tidur supaya Otak rehat
  • Anggapan: Tidur merupakan sebuah proses untuk mengistirahatkan otak.

    Fakta: Benar tetapi kurang tepat, karena proses tidur sebenarnya untuk mengistirahatkan tubuh. Fungsi otak tetap berjalan tetapi dengan intensitas yang berkurang karena hanya digunakan untuk melakukan aktifitas dasar, misalkan untuk bernafas.

  • Ketika Bangun Tengah Malam
  • Anggapan: Ketika bangun tengah malam, harus segera tidur kembali karena jika anda bangun akan susah tidur lagi.

    Fakta: Jika anda mencoba tidur setelah terbangun tengah malam, seringkali menjadi susah kembali untuk tidur, dan jika anda memaksakan untuk tetap tertidur pada kondisi ini, anda akan frustasi dan gelisah. Bangunlah untuk relaksasi dengan mendengarkan musik atau membaca buku.

  • Beraktifitas di kamar sebelum tidur
  • Anggapan: Sebelum tidur, sebaiknya kita melakukan aktifitas dulu di dalam kamar.

    Fakta: Semakin banyak aktifitas yang anda lakukan sebelum tidur, seperti: browsing internet, nonton tv dll, akan semakin susah anda tertidur. Lebih baik gunakan kamar tidur anda hanya untuk beristirahat.

  • Seks pada malam hari
  • Anggapan: Melakukan aktifitas seks akan membuat kita terjaga dalam waktu lama.

    Fakta: Dengan melakukan aktifitas seks, tubuh kita akan merasa rileks dan tenang. Dengan tubuh yang rileks, akan mudah mendapatkan mode tidur.

  • Meringkuk di dalam selimut
  • Anggapan: Posisi meringkuk dengan kondisi tertutup selimut akan membuat kita hangat dan cepat tertidur

    Fakta: Suhu paling bagus untuk memperoleh kondisi tidur yang baik adalah ketika suhu rendah/ dingin. Beri celah pada selimut sehingga suhu tubuh yang nyaman tetap terjaga.

  • Mendengkur/ Ngorok
  • Anggapan: Mendengkur pada saat tidur adalah hal biasa dan bukan masalah serius.

    Fakta: Mendengkur bagi sebagian orang memang bukan masalah serius, akan tetapi bagi sebagian orang lain dapat berarti bahwa orang tersebut memiliki kelainan/ penyakit tertentu. Jika anda mendengkur pada saat tidur, konsultasikan ke dokter.

  • Alkohol mempercepat tidur
  • Anggapan: Minum alkohol dapat mempercepat tidur.

    Fakta: Minum alkohol akan membuat badan kita lelah sehingga mudah tertidur. Akan tetapi kualitas tidur setelah minum alkohol sangat buruk. Tidur kita akan terbagi-bagi, dan tidak nyenyak.

Menangani Flu dengan Makanan di sekitar Anda

Tidak ada obat yang mampu menyembuhkan flu biasa, tapi dapur Anda penuh dengan banyak makanan yang dapat membantu mengurangi gejala dan mempercepat pemulihan Anda.
Setiap saat pilek dan bersin menyerang rumah Anda, carilah di dalam lemari dapur anda untuk bantuan dan kesehatan.

 sangat cocok untuk menenangkan sakit tenggorokan, membersihkan darah, dan melonggarkan lendir. Tambahkan air dari setengah cangkir lemon dan satu sendok teh sirup maple ke dalam air hangat.

Sup Ayam: Gunakan 
 sup ayam kembali ke abad kedua belas, ke dokter dan filsuf Yahudi, Maimonides, sup ayam yang direkomendasikan untuk mengobati pilek dan flu.

Mustard: Mustard 
 mengurangi demam, menghilangkan racun dan membantu menyembuhkan selaput lendir di paru-paru.

 Jahe teh dapat membantu membunuh kuman, sebagai antivirus dan juga sangat baik untuk sakit perut. Rebus dua sendok makan jahe parut segar dalam dua cangkir air selama lima belas menit, keluarkan dari panas dan terjal selama sepuluh menit.
 Minuman diperlukan. Menambahkan jahe untuk mandi merangsang sistem getah bening dan kecepatan drainase getah bening. Memipis seperempat cangkir jahe segar dan tempat dalam kain katun tipis dan rendam dalam air mengisi bak mandi.

BAWANG PUTIH: bawang putih rumah tangga 
 umum yang besar sebagai pencegahan dan pengobatan untuk pilek dan flu. bawang putih mentah memiliki sifat anti-jamur, antibakteri, dan antivirus. Para peneliti di Inggris menemukan bahwa bawang putih dapat mempercepat pemulihan dari flu dan meningkatkan resistance.Garlic dapat menyebabkan peningkatan pendarahan, sehingga mereka mengambil obat untuk pendarahan harus berhati-hati saat menambahkan bawang putih ekstra untuk diet.

 teh membantu berkeringat. Membuat teh dan pergi dengan cepat ke tempat tidur di mana Anda akan keluar keringat demam.

Minyak jarak: Minyak jarak 
 Sebuah paket ditempatkan pada dada dapat membuka dan membawa gelombang udara sirkulasi ke paru-paru. Pijat Minyak jarak di dada, tutup dengan kain kasa atau kain flanel, dan tempat botol air hangat panas ke dada.

Jeruk / VITAMIN C: 
 Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa Vitamin C ditemukan dalam jus jeruk, diambil harian, dapat mempersingkat durasi flu. Sebuah penelitian baru menunjukkan bahwa 1.000 mg Vit C setiap enam jam secara efektif dapat mengurangi, atau bahkan mencegah gejala flu.

 Madu memiliki sifat penyembuhan yang luar biasa. Hal ini dapat digunakan untuk meredakan batuk dan meningkatkan kekebalan. Sebuah sirup obat batuk yang sederhana dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan sendok madu dan sedikit air jeruk segar.

 Tambahkan satu sendok teh biji cumin dan sejumlah kecil kering atau segar jahe untuk satu gelas air mendidih. Minuman yang diperlukan.

GARAM: Garam adalah obat kumur yang sangat baik dan dapat menenangkan sakit tenggorokan. Gunakan air hangat dan mungkin menambahkan sedikit kunir untuk efek anti-inflamasi ekstra. Penggunaan lain garam di irigasi hidung, yang menggunakan air garam yang hangat dihirup melalui sinues untuk membantu decongest hidung. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa pemulihan speds irigasi dari infeksi sinus hidung.

KIWI: Kiwi dapat bermanfaat dalam mengobati infeksi saluran pernafasan atas. Ini tinggi vitamin C dan tampaknya memiliki efek protetice kondisi lama terutama pada anak-anak.

AIR / Hydrotherapy: Mandi meningkatkan sirkulasi. Mandi air panas dapat membantu menurunkan demam. Atau mencoba mandi jahe. (Lihat GINGER, di atas.)

SAGE: Sage obat kumur dapat digunakan untuk merawat sakit dan telah disetujui di Jerman selama ini digunakan oleh komisi medis mereka.

Catatan: Carilah bantuan medis jika gejala menetap atau memburuk. Pada tanda-tanda kelemahan mendadak, atau demam tinggi, mencari perawatan darurat.

Identify Causes of HAIR LOSS

Hair loss actually natural. Within a day, normally 50-150 strands of hair loss. After a falling out, new hair grow longer than the same follicle. Baldness hair loss could be if more than the ability to grow back.

Let's get to know the causes of baldness:

- Androgenetic alopecia
This type of baldness caused by heredity. Although common in men, this type of baldness can also affecting women. Androgenetic alopecia in the history of your family increase the risk of baldness. Hereditary factor also affects the age began to hair loss, velocity loss, pattern baldness to shape it.

- Alopecia areata
This type of hair loss categorized as autoimmune disease is unknown why. People who experience this type of baldness generally have good health. Experts believe that some people genetically have a tendency to have alopecia areata.

A trigger such as a virus or something in the environment led to the disease. History of illness in the family increase the tendency of this type of baldness also taxable. In this type of baldness, your hair can grow back, but fall out and grow back again and again.

Aside from the two types of baldness, the other causes of baldness are:

- Disease
Such as diabetes, lupus, and thyroid disease.

- Malnutrition
Lack of protein or iron, also general malnutrition, can cause hair loss. Diet is wrong or too extreme bulimia disease also causes malnutrition of the body.

- Medicines
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can cause you to have alopecia. After treatment ends, your hair grows back.

- High fever, severe flu, or major surgery
Maybe you've experienced thinning hair three to four months after illness or surgery. This condition makes the hair turned into a rest phase. This means less hair that grows back. The hair will grow back after the break phase ends.

- Maternity
Some women experience increased hair loss several months after delivery. This is because during pregnancy hair became very active, then returned to the home after the birth. Increased hair loss will stop by itself.

- Hair beauty Materials
Chemicals used for painting, straightening, or curling hair and can damage the hair if used excessive eroded or not applied appropriately. Structuring hair by pulling too hard can also eroded the hair.

- Infection of the scalp
Infection can also spread to the hair and scalp, causing hair loss. Hair will grow back after the infection is gone. Fungal infections on the scalp can be treated with topical or oral antifungal medications.

What to do when her hair kept falling out?

- Get familiar with both the causes of hair loss you and find out which treatment is available. Be careful with alternative therapies that have not been proven and may have unpleasant side effects.

- Give to the people closest to understanding. They will be more sympathetic if you know the cause of baldness that affects your appearance.

Signs You Affected Kidney Failure

Kidney failure can strike any person, whether male or female. Not looking at the economic level. If the symptom is known as early as possible, patients can get help to change or adjust your lifestyle.

The signs of kidney failure was not visible simultaneously. In laboratory examination, can be known with more thoroughly and accurately whether the signs leading to the possibility of kidney failure.

Here are some signs or symptoms of kidney failure that you need to be aware of:

- Diabetes was less than the previous habits.

- Urinary change color, frothy, or frequent night waking to urinate.

- Often swelling in the feet, ankles, hands and face. Partly because the kidneys can not remove excess water.

- Hurry tired or weak, due to dirt can not be removed by the kidneys.

- Shortness of breath, caused water to collect in the lungs. This condition is often misinterpreted as asthma or heart failure.

- Breath odor due to impurities that accumulate in the oral cavity.

- Pain in your back aches.

- Itching, especially in the foot.

- Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.


When the kidneys become rusty

As the vital organs, the kidneys must be treated as possible. If not, kidney failure, ie, body condition requiring treatment with dialysis or transplant, must be endured.

Although small, the organ is considered to be very vital one. Kidney or called person as the kidneys functioning as a place to cleanse the blood of various substances the body's metabolism and toxicity results are not needed in the form of urine.
Urine produced continuously from minute to minute in the kidney, then flowed through the urinary tract into the bladder. If enough urine in the bladder, it will arise stimulus urination.

Urine will be expelled from the body through channels called the urethra (located in the genitals). Amount of urine is released each day ranges from 1-2 liters. That way, the kidneys also function to maintain balance and regulate the concentration and composition of body fluids.

Arnadi Dr. Taslim, SpPD, from the Krakatau Medika Hospital Medicine, Cilegon, said, "The kidneys also function to maintain blood volume and pressure, set the state of calcium in bones, regulate the production of red blood cells, and also produces hormones such as Erythropoietin, or EPO, renin , and vitamin D is active. "

So many of kidney function. Therefore, if there are disorders that disrupt kidney, can we suffer various illnesses. "Abnormalities of the kidney may be a mild illness, such as urinary tract infection or a very serious such as kidney failure requiring dialysis treatment," said Dr. Arnadi.

Abnormalities can occur due to abnormalities in the kidneys (primary kidney disease). Can also be caused by complications of systemic diseases (secondary renal disease), such as diabetes (diabetes), and others.

Mild abnormalities in the kidneys can be cured completely if the cause can be overcome. Sometimes just with medication and diet regulation.

Conversely, if deteriorated, severe kidney disorder becomes acute renal failure. When allowed to simply get to a chronic stage, it will continue to become terminal renal failure (GGT)

More than 50 percent
Referring to Dr. Suhardjono, SpPD-KGH, from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, cases of kidney failure today in the world increased by more than 50 percent. "In Indonesia had reached around 20 percent," he said. In the United States, countries that are very advanced and high nutrient levels, each year there are approximately 20 million adults suffering from chronic kidney disease.

Kidney failure is a state of both kidneys can not function. Patients with kidney failure can only be felt if the abnormalities in her renal function decreased by around 25 percent. In fact, for young patients under 10 percent could. Not surprisingly, most new patients to the hospital or your doctor if already in the terminal stage.

Dr. Roesli Rully, SpPD-KGH, Ph.D., agreed. According to him, "Kidney failure is classified by symptoms of the disease is less clear, especially in its early stages." This disease generally take place gradually, over the years.

Kidney failure can strike any person, whether male or female. Not looking at the economic level. If the symptom is known as early as possible, patients can get help to change or adjust your lifestyle.

"Of course, to slow or stop the failure of the kidney failure, depending on the cause," said Dr. Suhardjono. "The main cause of kidney failure is diabetes. More or less around 40 percent or more of diabetes causes kidney failure. "

Someone who is believed to have symptoms of kidney disease do not need to worry. Normal life can still be lived well. Still advisable to exercise regularly and eat a reasonable dose.

There are also recommendations for strict low-protein diet with enough calories. It was not too bothersome. Diet for people with early signs of kidney disease do not need to worry, except for smokers. Generally, doctors advise patients to stop smoking altogether.

Kidney failure can be treated by hemodialysis (dialysis). Dr Rully states, dialysis is the process of separation (filtering) the remnants of metabolism through the semipermeable membrane in the dialysis machine dialiser.

Blood that is pumped back into the net in the body. Dialysis can be done in a hospital or clinic that has a hemodialysis unit.
There are patients who have undergone dialysis as much as 90 times. Once every five days should be washed with blood. If during sleep the night he was delirious, constantly, that should immediately wash the blood.

There also has been undergoing dialysis for 15 years. Once dialysis time has to spend hundreds of thousands, from 500 thousand to one million rupiah. In fact, dialysis should be routine, at least 8-10 times per month. That means, every month should be available funds of Rp 4 million or USD 48 million each year.

In Indonesia, patients with kidney failure who need dialysis have 50,000 people. Unfortunately, only 4,000 people can enjoy it. That, too, as many as 3000 patients in whom health insurance participants. "The rest died because they were unable to pay the cost of dialysis," Dr Rully.

In addition to hemodialysis, there are also therapy called peritoneal dialysis. Dialysis was performed on the body lining of the abdominal cavity. Assisted the process of dialysis is inserted into the abdominal cavity through a rubber tube fitted with a small operation.
Peritoneal membrane serves to filter and get the rest of metabolism. This can occur because blood vessels in peritoneal membrane function as the kidneys filter.

What to Avoid on Facebook?

Millions of people use social networking sites such Facebook and Twitter to connect with friends and family. But security experts warn the user that too much information on Facebook mengumbar so potentially dangerous.

Social networking sites make people easily connect with others. But security experts warn to be careful about the published data.

"Do not tell everything. Think before you write on Facebook. Erase all user information as soon as possible," said Internet expert David Gewirtz.

He reminded that the user did not write the address, phone number, birth date and place of birth mother's name on Facebook. It can be used by pejahat to guess the bank account information.

"There are organized criminals in several countries which are constantly looking for information like that on Twitter and Facebook to get access to bank accounts," recalls Gewirtz.

He added if the user posting the phone number, at least it will get unwanted phone promotion. Meanwhile, if memberikaan address, guests do not get invited.

"People who met on Facebook is not necessarily true friends. They just happened to encounter people. But being summoned as a friend, they behave like a friend but it's not," said Gewirtz.

So how to protect themselves in order to secure the social networking site? "If you use Facebook, set the setting by turning off all the related information can be accessed by the public. So with more and more information can be accessed it will be many more who consider as potential victims," said Gewirtz

Hot: Facebook Terrorist

American Intelligence Agency uses a complex computer program to create a database with forms such as Facebook. The program is to assist in building a relationship to the network terrorists.

Intelligence agencies to take raw data from various sources, including information obtained from the results of their interviews of the suspects who were arrested and telecommunications data obtained from the emails and phone calls.

When the information has been entered into the computer program, expected to help in knowing the major figures in terrorist organizations and to predict the occurrence of an attack before they attacked.

By analyzing the social networks that exist among the known terrorists, or against a suspect even in those who were not involved, military leaders hope to open a new chapter in the "war on terror".

Dr Ian McCulloh, U.S. army officers in the military education center in New York Westpoint told The Independent that he uses social networking analyst to uncover the relationship between various video death diAmerika made by insurgents in Iraq.

He also said an explanation of how they deal are confidential. "But our interpretation stating that the video was apparently made by the same groups that ... it makes us able to see part of a terrorist group with the actual attack," he said.
Tambah Gambar
With the spread of intelligence to reach the wider community, the agency plans to oversee the community. People who are not familiar or which are not related, remains incorporated into a computer algorithm to be calculated with the method to investigate their relationship that may be overlooked by humans

Say "NO" is Simple

Excessive commitments in the job can make you so dry. If you feel trapped in a job, start is learning to say no to your supervisor who asked to do more projects. Maybe not at first easy to say 'no' more than anything else on your colleagues. But try to see some tips below may help you to learn to say no.

1. Understand if you have the right to refuse requests

2. Say 'no' with a polite but direct and firm manner. If you are unable to offer assistance. Do not make people misunderstand by saying 'maybe' or 'will I think' about his request.

3 Offer help to people at this in another way which is not difficult for you, if you can do it.

4. Request for extension of the deadline if possible, if the time limit to be the problem.

Saying 'no' is not an easy job, especially on your colleagues or supervisors. But this is only a matter of habit, if you practice it more often, it will be easier for you to say no to what you do not want or what makes you so hard. Good luck!