Nasrudin Joke
One night a thief broke into the house Nasruddin. Luckily, Nasruddin saw it. Because of fear, quickly Nasruddin hiding inside a large box located in the corner. The thief was rifled through Nasruddin's house looking for money or valuables owned by Nasruddin. He opened the closet, the drawers, under-water pools, and others. He had but did not find any valuables. The thief almost gave up and decided to leave the house Nasruddin. But suddenly his eyes fixed on the large box located in a corner room Nasruddin. He was very happy because he believes in a box that's stored property that he was looking for. Despite the strong box was locked from the inside, but with full force, the thief managed to open the box. The thief was very surprised when I saw Nasruddin was in the box. The thief was very angry and said, "Hey! What are you doing in there?" "I'm hiding from you," replied Nasruddin. "Why?" "I'm embarrassed, because I do not have anything that can give you. That's the reason why I'm hiding in this box."
Lowongan pekerjaan BANK MUAMALAT Kupang
Posisi :
• USPD/LEGAL (Kode:1)
• & TELLER (Kode:2)
Bagi anda yang ingin berkarir di Bank Syariah dan berkomitmen untuk
melayani ummat di wilayah NTT
1. Usia maksimal 27 Tahun
2. Memiliki Pemahaman Keislaman yang baik
3. Pendidikan minimal S1 Hukum (1) dan S1 segala jurusan (2)
4. Khusus Kode: 1 Jenis Kelamin Laki-Laki
5. IPK minimal 2,75 untuk PTN dan 3,00 untuk PTS
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Kupang-NTT
7. Memiliki disiplin & inisiatif yang tinggi serta teliti & obyektif
8. Berpenampilan menarik dan Memiliki kejujuran serta integritas yang tinggi
9. Tidak memiliki hubungan kekeluargaan dengan karyawan / Direksi Bank Muamalat
10. Melampirkan Dokumen: CV, fotokopi ijasah pendidikan terakhir, fotokopi KTP, pas foto
terakhir 4x6 sebanyak 2 lbr
Kirimkan Lamaran Lengkap Anda ke PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk. Cabang Kupang d/a
Jl. Soekarno No. 27 Fontein-Kupang atau e-mail : Paling Lambat Kami
TerimaTanggal 30 April 2010.
Contact person : Achmad Mujib (0380-829556/081331112958)
Cabang Kupang
1 Jumadil Ula 1431 H
16 April 2010
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