Nasrudin Joke

One night a thief broke into the house Nasruddin. Luckily, Nasruddin saw it. Because of fear, quickly Nasruddin hiding inside a large box located in the corner. The thief was rifled through Nasruddin's house looking for money or valuables owned by Nasruddin. He opened the closet, the drawers, under-water pools, and others. He had but did not find any valuables. The thief almost gave up and decided to leave the house Nasruddin. But suddenly his eyes fixed on the large box located in a corner room Nasruddin. He was very happy because he believes in a box that's stored property that he was looking for. Despite the strong box was locked from the inside, but with full force, the thief managed to open the box. The thief was very surprised when I saw Nasruddin was in the box. The thief was very angry and said, "Hey! What are you doing in there?" "I'm hiding from you," replied Nasruddin. "Why?" "I'm embarrassed, because I do not have anything that can give you. That's the reason why I'm hiding in this box."

Lowongan Kalbe

Department: CORPORATE
Expire : Tue, May 04, 2010

* Usia antara 30-40* Pendidikan minimum S1 jurusan Farmasi

* Minimum 3 tahun pengalaman sebagai Regulatory Affairs Manager

* Memiliki relasi yang luas dengan BPOM

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Department: CORPORATE
Expire : Tue, May 04, 2010

* Usia maksimal 35 tahun

* Pendidikan minimal S1 Farmasi / Dokter

* Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang Business Development / Marketing produk Health-Related

* Good interpersonal skill especially in negotiating

* Possesses strong analytical thinkin

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Department: CORPORATE
Expire : Tue, May 04, 2010

* Usia 23-28 tahun

* Minimal S1 Accounting / Komputer Akuntansi dari perguruan tinggi ternama

* Berpengalaman sekitar 2 tahun sebagai external auditor / financial analyst

* Mampu bekerja under-pressure dengan minimum supervision

* Analytical thinking & detail-oriented

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Department: CORPORATE
Expire : Tue, May 04, 2010

* Maksimal 26 tahun

* Minimal S1 Akuntansi / Komputer Akuntansi

* Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang Audit / Risk Management

* Good communication skill

* Memiliki minat di IT (preferable)

Bagi Anda yang memenuhi syarat di atas, silakan mengirimkan resume Anda melalui website ini atau dapat mengirimkan CV Anda ke (ukuran file tidak lebih dari 1 mb)

Department: CORPORATE
Expire : Tue, May 04, 2010

* Usia maksimal 30 tahun

* Minimal S1 jurusan Bioteknologi / Biologi / Biokimia

* Berpengalaman kerja sebagai periset di Laboratorium

* Analitis, kritis, logis dan sistematis

Bagi Anda yang memenuhi syarat di atas, silakan mengirimkan resume Anda melalui website ini atau dapat mengirimkan CV Anda ke (ukuran file tidak lebih dari 1 mb)

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