Nasrudin Joke

One night a thief broke into the house Nasruddin. Luckily, Nasruddin saw it. Because of fear, quickly Nasruddin hiding inside a large box located in the corner. The thief was rifled through Nasruddin's house looking for money or valuables owned by Nasruddin. He opened the closet, the drawers, under-water pools, and others. He had but did not find any valuables. The thief almost gave up and decided to leave the house Nasruddin. But suddenly his eyes fixed on the large box located in a corner room Nasruddin. He was very happy because he believes in a box that's stored property that he was looking for. Despite the strong box was locked from the inside, but with full force, the thief managed to open the box. The thief was very surprised when I saw Nasruddin was in the box. The thief was very angry and said, "Hey! What are you doing in there?" "I'm hiding from you," replied Nasruddin. "Why?" "I'm embarrassed, because I do not have anything that can give you. That's the reason why I'm hiding in this box."

Identify Causes of HAIR LOSS

Hair loss actually natural. Within a day, normally 50-150 strands of hair loss. After a falling out, new hair grow longer than the same follicle. Baldness hair loss could be if more than the ability to grow back.

Let's get to know the causes of baldness:

- Androgenetic alopecia
This type of baldness caused by heredity. Although common in men, this type of baldness can also affecting women. Androgenetic alopecia in the history of your family increase the risk of baldness. Hereditary factor also affects the age began to hair loss, velocity loss, pattern baldness to shape it.

- Alopecia areata
This type of hair loss categorized as autoimmune disease is unknown why. People who experience this type of baldness generally have good health. Experts believe that some people genetically have a tendency to have alopecia areata.

A trigger such as a virus or something in the environment led to the disease. History of illness in the family increase the tendency of this type of baldness also taxable. In this type of baldness, your hair can grow back, but fall out and grow back again and again.

Aside from the two types of baldness, the other causes of baldness are:

- Disease
Such as diabetes, lupus, and thyroid disease.

- Malnutrition
Lack of protein or iron, also general malnutrition, can cause hair loss. Diet is wrong or too extreme bulimia disease also causes malnutrition of the body.

- Medicines
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can cause you to have alopecia. After treatment ends, your hair grows back.

- High fever, severe flu, or major surgery
Maybe you've experienced thinning hair three to four months after illness or surgery. This condition makes the hair turned into a rest phase. This means less hair that grows back. The hair will grow back after the break phase ends.

- Maternity
Some women experience increased hair loss several months after delivery. This is because during pregnancy hair became very active, then returned to the home after the birth. Increased hair loss will stop by itself.

- Hair beauty Materials
Chemicals used for painting, straightening, or curling hair and can damage the hair if used excessive eroded or not applied appropriately. Structuring hair by pulling too hard can also eroded the hair.

- Infection of the scalp
Infection can also spread to the hair and scalp, causing hair loss. Hair will grow back after the infection is gone. Fungal infections on the scalp can be treated with topical or oral antifungal medications.

What to do when her hair kept falling out?

- Get familiar with both the causes of hair loss you and find out which treatment is available. Be careful with alternative therapies that have not been proven and may have unpleasant side effects.

- Give to the people closest to understanding. They will be more sympathetic if you know the cause of baldness that affects your appearance.

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