Nasrudin Joke

One night a thief broke into the house Nasruddin. Luckily, Nasruddin saw it. Because of fear, quickly Nasruddin hiding inside a large box located in the corner. The thief was rifled through Nasruddin's house looking for money or valuables owned by Nasruddin. He opened the closet, the drawers, under-water pools, and others. He had but did not find any valuables. The thief almost gave up and decided to leave the house Nasruddin. But suddenly his eyes fixed on the large box located in a corner room Nasruddin. He was very happy because he believes in a box that's stored property that he was looking for. Despite the strong box was locked from the inside, but with full force, the thief managed to open the box. The thief was very surprised when I saw Nasruddin was in the box. The thief was very angry and said, "Hey! What are you doing in there?" "I'm hiding from you," replied Nasruddin. "Why?" "I'm embarrassed, because I do not have anything that can give you. That's the reason why I'm hiding in this box."

Do not let the poor mounds On Gold Mountain

Leave no poor on the mound mountain of gold. This small portion of the sentence our light conversation with one of our ActionCOACH staff in Jakarta some time ago. The conversation started when we were discussing about the impact on the state of entrepreneurship in Indonesia, which increasingly thrive, and give hope to prosper as the provisions of this nation to prosper.

Now the impact on the state of entrepreneurship is no longer dominated by a particular tribe, or group of certain individuals, certain business network, or the descendants of certain breeds, as happened in the 80s. Entrepreneurship has become a national movement, and became the appropriate choice for this nation towards a prosperous nation in the future.

As revealed by a friend of mine said, we still lulled by the number of natural resources into the wealth of our nation, but forgot to empower them optimally. Thus, like life, we still considered a poor nation, it is our house stands on a mound of gold. We also, even, often feel hungry in the granary that stood in the vast expanse of paddy fields. A paradox that is very difficult to be understood by common sense.

Once parsed, it turns out the key word there is in entrepreneurship that was. The spirit of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial spirit) of our nation with relatively far behind other nations. Weak entrepreneurial spirit made this nation does not move slightly to create added value of natural wealth owned. As a result of other people who enjoy it. Just look at the phenomenon! Export more raw materials to other countries, lazy create new innovations and value added, and most life (the people) is heading a life of hedonism.

Lucky in the past five years a lot of momentum that makes us aware that only a nation that has a high entrepreneurial people who would be able to deliver prosperity to the gate.

Japanese, Korean, China has proved it. Closest neighboring countries like Singapore, also be examples of how the entrepreneurial spirit of its people so grown in this country. Because they are aware, without entrepreneurship, as a country, they will die.

The question is, what provisions must be grown so that we become a nation that berkewirausahaan high? Apparently the answer is: our courage, this nation, to produce human beings who dare to Indonesia and is not afraid to fail. Fear of failure is the nature of the nation of losers, and success belongs only to those who dare.

In entrepreneurship, education is not the most important thing, but being measured by his courage to face all risks, jelly seize opportunities and be able to create added value. Therefore, it is very encouraging, now many established community entrepreneurship, books, magazines, radio shows, TV broadcasts, to seminars and workshops are regularly held to discuss entrepreneurship.

Schools, high pPerguruan students and graduate students will be left if it ignores the spirit of entrepreneurship should be taught. Bureaucracy that does not own and operate the principles of entrepreneurship, seen as bureaucracy that is obsolete, and should be abandoned.

This nation must learn about perseverance, patience, always think optimistically and have a strong will to succeed and prosper.

What will happen to this nation if they can accelerate a nation that has a high entrepreneurial attitude? Next five years we are no longer a poor nation, and also no hunger, nor a nation can only be exported congek TKI.

You, be prepared to entrepeneur!

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